111 N. Douglas, P.O. Box 307, Randolph, NE 68771  |  402-337-0046  |  liedrandolphpubliclibrary@gmail.com



  1. Call to order
    1. At 5:40pm due to the storm
  2. Pursuant to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room and is available for viewing by the public.


  1. Roll Call
    1. In attendance:  Megan, Tiffany, Jeri, Shelley, Julie



  1. Approve previous meetings minutes
    1. Motion to approve by Tiffany; Seconded by Jeri
  2. Review and approve claims: Review budget
    1. Motion to approve by Tiffany; Seconded by Jeri
  3. Library report

LIBRARY REPORT for June: 1166  Visits with 1,503  items circulating, 115 computer uses, 263 digital checkouts. 21 Children’s programs with 557 attending 4 young adult programs and 28 attending and 1 adult programs with 9 attending.
Upcoming Events: Craft Days on July 11,18, 25, Game day on July 13, Lego Day on July 27. Will be setting up a 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten party in the beginning of August.

  • Review policies: no policies this month
    • Pat will get accredited on the policies she is taking, so that will count for our accreditation through the Nebraska Library Commission.
  • Makerspace update:We will be setting up craft days, looking into purchasing a 3D Printer
    • Will place this near the copier?  Feel this is the best location.  We have to see how big of one we want to purchase. 
    • It was suggested to create a “bee” from LEGO pieces constructed to collect along a story walk by having to go into local businesses.
    • Discussion was made on whether or not we should or shouldn’t do “door hangers” since a local person makes and sells them.  All agreed to still do such.
    • Reminder:  Appts are still necessary for the MakerSpace–can show up, but people may have to wait.
  • Musical Instrument update:Waiting for Jim Billerbeck to pour concrete.
    • Will wait to see what Billerbeck says on concrete before moving forward on any other options.
  • Accreditation/Community Response Plan: Survey is online.  An ad will be put in the paper with a QR code.  We will need to evaluate surveys next month and work on a goal and write up our plan.  We need to update our tech plan as well. Perhaps plan an extra meeting for developing a plan or include it in our regular meeting.
    • The Plan is due October 1st–it was agreed upon to wait and discuss items at the next meeting on whether or not we need to meet more on this.
    • The Makerspace is still a top goal.  Three other “goals” need to be set.  The second goal after discussion is circulation–whether it be physical or online.  The third goal is to work more with school on items.  The fourth goal is to work on engaging our “seniors” more. Some options that were brought up were the following:
      • Book delivery
      • Printed copies of the Accreditation/Community Response Plan
      • Peggy will talk to Megan Calder about possibly helping since meals are delivered as well
      • Offer a morning “Coffee & Conversation”
  • Ideas and suggestions:
    Working with Randolph Elementary to partner a program with Edgerton Explorit Center.
  • An ad will be placed in the paper and online for the assistant director. Pat is willing to help out as needed.

V.         ADJOURN–Motion by Tiffany; Seconded by Megan

Next Meeting: August 14 @ 5:00