- Call to order
- Pursuant to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room and is available for viewing by the public.
- Roll Call-In attendance: Megan, Tiffany, Shelly, Julie and Peggy. Absent: Jeri
- Approve previous meetings minutes
- Review and approve claims
- Library report (1st motion to approve: Shelly; 2nd: Tiffany)
LIBRARY REPORT last month: 705 Visits with 991 items circulating, 53 computer uses, 206 digital checkouts.8 Children’s programs with150 attending 0 young adult programs and 1 adult programs with 22 attending.
Summer Reading Programs:
Registration: May 16 2:00-6:00 (will make bird feeders and have s’mores)
Preschool Tuesdays in June @ 9:15 & 10:30
1, 2, & 3 Grade Thursdays in June @ 900 & 10:00
4, 5, & 6 Grade Thursdays In June @ 11:00
We will be making/selling t-shirts again for $10.00
Emma Bermel will be painting our sidewalks/an obstacle course
Participating in WanderNebraska
- Review policies: Personnel, Weeding, Unattended Children and Meeting Room policy to address new council ordinance pertaining to alcohol. (All policies looked great, and it was decided to wait on any changes to the meeting room policy.)
- Makerspace update/ need a fan/laptop computer (fan is a ventilation fan, and the new laptop has been ordered)
- Musical Instrument update/Jim Billerbeck, Kevin Gubbels (Billerbeck’s have a job they will be able to add concrete to. It was advised that even if we would want to do the interlocking pads, we would still need concrete.)
- Ideas and suggestions
- New Hires: Pat will be retiring this year and Erin will be leaving in August (Pat would like to be done by November-all can be thinking of possible options)
Other items discussed:
*Erate will be used once again.
*Lowell Wiese donated $1000 in memory of Brenda to the Friends of the Library–suggested to use it on a bike rack out in the front of the library.
*Book signing/talk will be held on June 8th at 6pm with the signing and a discussion to follow.
NEXT MEETING: June 12 @ 5:00