We offer laminating, WIFI Internet Hot Spot, Meeting Room Rental, and scanning capabilities.
Children’s Programming
We offer a wide variety of children’s programming throughout the year, including storytimes, Summer Reading Program and many special events.
Preschool Story Hour @ 10:00
Afterschool Program
Monthly movies shown in our meeting room.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten.
Lego Days
Bingo Days
Book Discussions
Chess Club
Watch our calendar for updates and changes.
Early Learning Kits available for check out!
Adult Programming
Book Discussions
Craft Events
Humanities Programs
Laser Etcher, Cricut, Vinyl Cutter, Heat Press, Sublimation Printer, Button Maker
Free for public use. Must be trained to use equipment.
Computer Access
11 computers are available with hi-speed internet available.
All patrons must sign an Internet usage agreement and children under age 17 must have a parent sign also.
Printing is available for 10 cents per page black and white, 50 cents for color and $1.00 for photo paper.
Electronic databases
A variety of databases are available to our patrons through the Nebraska Library Commission, including WilsonWeb and OCLC FirstSearch.
For more information on how to access these databases, please contact the library at 337-0046, or stop by the circulation desk.
Interlibrary Loan
Books and magazine articles that are not owned by us may be requested from another library through Interlibrary Loan.
We subscribe to 35 magazines and 2 newspapers of general interest.
Most magazines are available for 2-week checkout.
Newspapers do not checkout.
Public Fax
A fax machine is available for public use.
Faxes are $1 for up to 5 pages to send or receive.
Public Photocopier
A photocopier is available for public use.
Copies are 10 cents per page.
Color copying 50 cents.
Meeting Room Rental
Rent our meeting room for $50.00.