111 N. Douglas, P.O. Box 307, Randolph, NE 68771  |  402-337-0046  |  liedrandolphpubliclibrary@gmail.com

January 2022 Minutes

January 10, 2022- Minutes

CALL TO ORDER: Anyone desiring to view the Open Meetings Act may do so.

ROLL CALL: Shelley Crawford, Jeri Gubbels, Tiffany Guenther, Peggy Leiting

Minutes and treasures report and bills were reviewed, Shelley made a motion to accept reports and bills. Jeri seconded.  All were in favor.

LIBRARY REPORT:  700 Visits with 1132 items circulating, 99 computer uses, 145 digital checkouts.  7 children’s programs with 140 attending, 0 young adult programs with 0 attending and 0 adult programs with 0 attending.

Peggy will attend a Summer Reading Workshop in Tilden January 11.

Ryann Winkelbauer is interning at our library this semester.

Jeri Gubbels, Shelley Crawford, Kelli Thelen, Peggy Leiting, Becky Miller and Craig Flaming attended a demo of the Epilog laser with Jeremy VanDeBerghe.


Monday Morning Story Hours @ 10:00
Tuesday & Thursday after school programs @ 4:00 & 5:00
March 30-Air fryer class by the Pierce extension.

Rummage Sale possible date, April 8th & 9th.

Possible author visit with the Woman’s Club on April 11th.

Possible fish fry with the Knights of Columbus during lent with proceeds going toward the Makerspace area.


Makerspace area was discussed.  We talked about moving the office to the genealogy room to make more room. So far we have funds available from the grant for $4,831.00, Doherty Foundation $3000.00, ARPA funds $3,995.00, misc donations $3,200.00, for a total of $15,026.00. We would like to raise at least $50,000.00 to cover expenses and equipment. The laser we feel would best suit us would be the Epilog Fusion Edge with a base price of $23,500.00 with additional add ons of $3,000.00-$5,000.00. We would have extra expenses for ventilation and other equipment for this area.  We would like to incorporate hours for Becky Miller to continue and plan to raise additional funds for this expense. We will be contacting businesses about donations. It was suggested to list donations in the newspaper.

Fiber Grant- After looking over the proposals for the fiber grant we have decided to wait and see if there are better options (less cost) in the next couple of years. 


Assistant Director position will be advertised.

Estate Planning: Will ask Mag if she can make contact again.

Ben Benton, City Administrator would like the library board to serve as the city cemetery board.  The board would like more information about responsibilities and if there are bylaws.  This was tabled until next month.

Summer Program-Dino O Dell booked for July 8th @ 6:30

Tiffany made a motion to adjourn, Shelley seconded.
NEXT MEETING: February 7, 2022