- Call to order
- Pursuant to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room and is available for viewing by the public.
- Roll Call (Present: Megan Shearer, Shelley Crawford, Tiffany Guenther, Julie Pfanstiel, and Peggy Leiting)
- Approve previous meetings minutes
- Review and approve claims
- Library report (motion to approve: 1st-Shelley; 2nd-Megan)
LIBRARY REPORT for March:797 Visits with 1208 items circulating, 67 computer uses, 233 digital checkouts.13 Children’s programs with 214 attending 5 young adult programs with 62 attending and 4 adult programs with 56 attending.
Upcoming Events:
Monday Story Hours
Rummage Sale April 14 & 15
Afterschool Programs & Lego Day
- Review policies
Disc Golf (one minor change was made in the wording)
Physical Facilities
- Makerspace update:
- Musical Instrument update: $2000-3000 for cement but doesn’t have enough help to take on projects. (Peggy will contact Billerbeck’s on their cost to do cement)
- Ideas and suggestions: Ashley Dierks will come for a storytime with her new book. (Book was ordered online thru amazon, but it has not be received yet)
School Assembly program (Peggy has reached out to Mr. Beacom at the elementary–Checking to see if May 12th would work for Dr. Oxygen, or if it would work better to wait until the next school year and have Edgerton instead?)
V. ADJOURN (motion to adjourn: 1st-Tiffany; 2nd-Megan)
Next meeting will be Monday, May 15th at 5pm
**Chilton–promote more somehow?
**Makerspace–is there a way to promote more too?
**Paper prices have gone up. Megan & Julie questioned if we needed to look into raising prices for copies? After much discussion, we decided to keep it the same.
**Working on Summer Reading Program–would like to have sign ups again if possible. Jackie Steffen will be coming this summer along with Nebraska Games & Parks. May look into having Kelli Thelen help with the rest.
**Tshirts for Summer Reading Program–Peggy inquired if there were other options than sublimation. Megan suggested the DTF transfers that can be custom made. She will check with Tina Thelen to see if she has any suggestions.
**Emma Bermel–Peggy contacted her to see if she would be interested in re-painting sidewalk.