- Call to order-at 5:06pm
- Pursuant to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room and is available for viewing by the public.
- Roll Call-In attendance: Tiffany, Jeri, Shelley, Megan & Peggy Absent: Julie
- Approve previous meetings minutes
- Review and approve claims/discuss budget for 2023-2024 (with check in memory of Brenda Wiese-Peggy ordered a glider bench and will rearrange where current bench is) Motion to approve minutes and claims: 1st) Tiffany; 2nd) Jeri
Requested $6500.00 from the county. - Library report: for July–629 Visits with 955 items circulating, 67 computer uses,226 digital checkouts. 4 Children’s programs with 69 attending. We had 1 general interest program (magician) with 235 attending. We did not have any young adult or adult programs.
- Review policies/Alcohol policy–The policy was written, however after discussion, it was decided to hold off on enforcing the policy, and if the library decides to hold an event, the notice will be given to the city office. Peggy will hold onto the written policy in case it is to be discussed at a later date.
- Makerspace update: We made the first day of school t-shirts. Looking to set up events for each month. Researching 3-D printers and a larger heat press-Will look into these printers with Becky soon.
- Musical Instrument update–Still waiting on Billerbeck’s for a quote/date. Peggy will look into other options so it can get done.
- Accreditation and survey results-Normal “expected” results with great comments geared towards the library. Goals: 1) Makerspace; 2) Grow partnerships with school; 3) 1 to 1 instruction and helping community members
- Some ideas to help engage the elderly (with the senior center closing): Coffee; Cards; Phone classes; Exercise classes; Sparklight TV help
- Shelley has served four years/continue? Shelley will let Peggy know, but will plan on Shelley to stay through January.
- Ideas and suggestions:
Event corner/bulletin board. Any suggestions to make it more appealing?
Ideas for Seniors in the community. - Booked with Edgerton from Aurora for Family Fun Night with the school–September 29th.
Next Meeting: Sept. 11th @ 5:00
Upcoming Events:
Afterschool Programs:
Sept 12 – K-1
Sept 19- 2 & 3
Sept 26-4-6
Preschool Classes will come every 1st & 3rd Thursday
October 4-All Things Google Class through NECC @ 6:00
Story Hours: Sept. 11? Have not decided when to start.
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 12 at 5:30pm
Motion to adjourn meeting at 6:11pm: 1st) Megan 2nd) Jeri