January 13, 2025
- Call to order at 5:34pm
- Pursuant to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted in the meeting room and is available for viewing by the public.
- Roll Call-Megan Shearer, Julie Pfansteil, Tiffany Guenther, Peggy Leiting
- Approve previous meetings minutes
- Review and approve claims by Tiffany, seconded by Megan
- Library report
946 People In 14 Children’s Programs with 298 attending
1,246 Items circulating 0 Young Adult program with attending
83 Computer Uses 1 Adult Programs with 12 attending
281 Digital Checkouts
4 Meeting Room Usage of non-library events
38 Makerspace Uses
Story Hour: Each Monday @ 10:00
Spice Club: 1st Tuesday of each month
Learning Center: 1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 9:00 & 9:45
Chess: 1st & 3rd Thursdays afterschool
Tuesday Afterschool Programs
We will reschedule the Escape Room
Tree Pruning workshop/Pfanny’s Farms Feb. 22
A committee from the Woman’s Club picked out books to add to the Children’s Library. They include several of the Golden Sower Nominees and books that will go along with the Summer Reading Theme.
I contacted Cornhusker State Industries about ordering shelving (this would be paid for by the Friends of the Library)
We were awarded the Youth Grant for Excellence ($985.00) to expand the First Lego League. We will have a cash match of $150.00 and in-kind match of $300.00 for a total project of $1,435.00.
We also received word that the Library Improvement grant for the bike rack and solar lights was approved for $2,396.22 with a matching portion of $1,500.00. However, due to the uncertainty of LSTA funding from the IMLS, this grant award is made conditionally, with the understanding that distribution of funds will depend on the outcome of action on the remainder of the federal fiscal year.
Luke Harder contacted us from CardinalCam about possibly making one.
- Review policies/ none
- Ideas and suggestions:
- Summer Reading program is an art theme. If anyone comes up with any suggestions for entertainment, let Peggy know. Kristina will help with the older kids.
- Peggy went over some notes she took from the TRAILS meeting with some great ideas!
- Suggested to talk to Tom Wiese about a drone presentation?
V. ADJOURN-Motion to adjourn at 5:56pm by Julie, seconded by Tiffany
Next meeting: Monday, February 10th at 5:30pm
Library Certification due Dec. 31 2028
Peggy Leiting Certification due Sept. 1, 2027: current hours 8.5 hours needed 36.5
Library Board Certification due Sept. 30, 2027 hours needed 20
Katie Miller Certification due